Charlie Peng
[IWSC 2012] 恭喜Pascual Toso 2012 IWSC國際葡萄酒烈酒比賽勝出!Pascual Toso Malbec價格優惠歡慶中!
Pascual Toso 巴斯卡.托索酒莊
在19世紀80年代中期,Pascual Toso創立了這家酒廠, 而這間酒莊成為了阿根廷最古老最著名的釀酒廠,近三年榮獲30多 項國際大獎,該酒莊並獲得IWSC國際葡萄酒大賽選定為年度最佳 阿根廷酒莊殊榮!
Pascual Toso wines是為酒莊熱情的具體表現, 對質量的承諾以及難得的風土條件,特別選擇此一的葡萄種植地, 使生產出出色香氣和味道的葡萄, 達到最好的質量及令人愉快和獨特的葡萄酒。 酒莊致力於高品質葡萄酒,從這片古老阿根廷沃土而獲得美酒佳液。
About This Winery
Pascual Toso wines are the expression of our passion, our commitment to quality and the great terroir of Las Barrancas. We specially select our grapes for each of our ranges in order to achieve the best quality for delightful and unique wines. First, grapes for our estate range come from vineyards from 15 to 25 years of age, in high trellis. Plants are watered by drip irrigation system, which allows managing water flow to achieve the best results. Then, Reserve Wines are made with grapes coming from vines of among 30 to 50 years. The stony and poor soil, added to the climatic conditions of the place (low humidity, high solar irradiation…) gives us grapes of excellent color and with great concentration of aromas and flavors. To finish, for our high end wines, we dedicated the oldest vineyards and specific plots of our propriety and thus obtained wines which express all the majesty of the terroir.
The Pride
Special Guide
Pascual Toso Malbec 巴斯卡托索 馬爾貝克紅酒
Wine: Pascual Toso Estate Malbec
Variety: 100%Malbec
Alcohol: 14%
Price: $ 750 SALES NOW $ 650, 全台宅配到府
特性:初聞有帶洋李子和溫柏樹的味道,夾帶非常優美的橡木桶味, 喝在嘴里帶有溫和的花香,黑莓、歐亞甘草的味道,
非常圓潤飽滿,收口紮實並添帶着煙燻的香草味。佐餐麵食、紅肉、 白肉及奶油醬料理。適合溫度:15-17℃
Pascual Toso Malbec 巴斯卡托索 馬爾貝克紅酒
Wine: Pascual Toso Estate Malbec
Variety: 100%Malbec
Alcohol: 14%
Price: $ 750 SALES NOW $ 650, 全台宅配到府
歡慶Pascual Toso 2012 IWSC國際葡萄酒烈酒比賽勝出!系列酒款同步特價! 歡迎詢問!
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